Money – Physical Object and Idea

It is a well-known fact that two objects cannot occupy the same space simultaneously.  If an object occupies a space that you want to be in, doesn’t it make sense to move it out of your way?  Money is both a physical object and an idea.  It resides in your physical world and both conscious and subconscious areas of your mind.  In your subconscious, let's refer to it as your money paradigm.

The idea of money can obstruct your forward movement if it resides ahead of what you desire.  Your ideas occupy space in your mind.  It matters where you choose to position your ideas. If your idea is not in first place, then another idea will be there instead.  More often than not, money occupies first place in your conscious mind and substantially so in your subconscious mind, ahead of your desire.

Let Money Fill A Servant’s Place

Money is vitally important in the areas for which it is used.  It is an instrument that enables you to buy necessities and comforts for your lifestyle.  Money is also a dutiful servant and you must direct it.  The main reason you would choose to place money in front of your big idea is because of habit, your money  paradigm controls your actions.

You may have been taught to believe that you must have money first in order to be, do or have something you want.  This, my friend, is "downside-up" thinking!  Here's the shocking truth....that thought pattern will absolutely guarantee that you do not achieve your heart’s desire, rather, something entirely different than what you expect or want.

The way to change any habit is to replace it with another one.  You have the ability to do that now.  A habit change or paradigm shift, requires that you make a decision and act on it immediately.   Often easier said than done, you can do it when you employ your higher intellectual factors.

Focus On The Thing You Want

Your WILL, one of six intellectual factors, can be used to hold your attention upon your heart’s desire. When you place your idea in first place it automatically locks your mind in one direction.  Subsequently, it is up to you to move in that direction.  Only you can propel yourself toward what you want.

As you begin to do things in harmony with your desire, you will feel a resistance, or an internal conflict. This is the clash between an established habit versus a different, new and better one. The established habit, your money paradigm, will protest vigorously.  It will show up as very familiar messages.  For example: “You know you don’t have the money to do that, wait until you get it before doing anything.”  If you adhere to that internal message, you will remain where you are and repeat the actions that caused your present results. Likewise, external distractions will readily present themselves in the form of “advise or suggestions” from other people who do not share your dream.

Remain Calm – Decide To Be In Charge Of You

When you allow money thoughts to dictate your actions, you surrender your power to something that should rightly serve you.  You are a marvelous human being endowed with powerful intellectual faculties of which no other creature possesses to any comparable degree.  Your ability to think and your power to focus on what you want is the way forward.

Write down how you will realize your big idea.  Writing causes thinking.  To realize your big idea, you must have courage to make a committed decision.  You must use your will to focus on what you want.  And you must take action immediately.

Money can hear your demands and will follow your commands as you increase your conscious awareness and begin to do things in a certain way.  Ask yourself questions.  Exercise your intellectual powers and create multiple income sources.  If you do this, money will follow you and over fill your bank account.

Victoria Winters

"Your life reflects your expressed and emotionalized thoughts."

Author, Victoria Winters

Specializing in sharing knowledge about prosperity, wealth consciousness and universal laws governing all life, Victoria connects with people interested in achieving goals beyond their wildest dreams. She helps you to change your results through her "Mentorship Through Writing" program.   Most noteworthy, she says:   "Many people find it easier to create the peaceful and abundant life they expect through a change of mind."

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