Email Marketing Made Easy

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Email Marketing with Facebook and AWeber

Facebook is the largest and easiest social network to jump into if you’re just starting to market your business online.   People use Facebook to connect with each other.   And it’s natural for your business to use the network for connecting with your customers.

Email is an excellent place to begin communicating directly with your audience.  Either just starting out or a seasoned business veteran, establish presence, integrate an email campaign with your Facebook page.

"Communicate with people.  Direct contact is best!"

Email marketing and Facebook have similar goals – to keep your business in front of your customers. Email accomplishes this by landing in your subscribers’ inboxes on a regular basis.  And Facebook status updates will show up in your followers’ news feeds.

If you’re only marketing on Facebook, you run the risk of getting lost in the crowd because the average Facebook user has about 229 friends.  Imagine 229 status updates flooding their news feeds every day. This includes your business posts.  If posting several times a day is not a part of your strategy, your message probably gets lost in the crowd.

"Move ahead of the crowd."

Email in your customers' inbox has a better chance of getting seen.  Automatically move ahead of the noisy news feed with your automatic messages.  Rather, emailing on a regular basis helps your customers remember you the next time they need to buy something.

Use Facebook and email together.  Give your customers a choice about how closely they interact with your business.  To Like a page on Facebook takes very little commitment.  Subscribing to an email list is a much bigger commitment – they must really want your information to part with their email address and invite you to regularly invade their personal inbox! Email marketing provides a wonderful addition to your overall marketing strategy.

You can use Facebook to identify super fans with a post about your email list in your status updates. You can even post a copy of your latest newsletter on Facebook to attract more subscribers who are passionate about your business.

Email and Facebook can work together to tell your business’s story.  Email marketing with Aweber has an automated follow up series that can include your company’s history, a sense of your culture and other vital information.

Go ahead, use the free trial and become better acquainted with your customers.

Mentorship Through Writing

"Your life reflects your expressed and emotionalized thoughts."

Author, Victoria Winters

Specializing in sharing knowledge about prosperity, wealth consciousness and universal laws governing all life, Victoria connects with people interested in achieving goals beyond their wildest dreams. She helps you to change your results through her “Mentorship Through Writing” program.   Most noteworthy, she says:   “Many people find it easier to create the peaceful and abundant life they expect through a change of mind.”"